Another year, another bunch of Park Acoustics events. The first, coming up on 4 February, has Koos Kombuis and Karen Zoid as headliners, with Diamong Thug, Michael Lesar, Dawie de Jager and Foxtrot filling out the bill. We have a double ticket to the event to give away – see Continue Reading
Karen Zoid
Lush Festival 2017: A Photo Review
All images by Marnus Strydom and Henk Labuschagne. All images by Marnus Strydom and Henk Labuschagne.
Music News Highlights: 13 March 2017
BANG BANG! It’s the Music News gun! This week: New albums announced by Erasure, Alt-J, Goldie, and JHB locals Adventure Man. Plus videos by Adventure Man, Michael Lowman, and Goldie. PLUS songs by Kahn Morbee and Karen Zoid, and Loui Lvndn featuring Emamkay. So much music you might get a music-headache.
Music News Highlights: 6 February 2017
Music News Highlights: A collection of music news from the last week, featuring everyone from Siphs to Goodluck to Depeche Mode, stopping by Stoker, Karen Zoid, Rubber Duc, Majozi, Francois van Coke, Lush, The Temper Trap, Ryki, Shortstraw, and Richard Stirton. Believe it or not.
Alternatief is Groot, en wil jou die kys vra
Op hoërskool, as jy ‘n oulike jong dame in die oog gehad het maar nie seker was hoe om jou gevoelens aan haar te openbaar nie, kon jy altyd ‘n mix CD maak. Dis nou oor ek in die vroeë 2000’s (na die tyd van kasette) op hoërskool was – ek vermoed hulle Continue Reading
Francois van Coke – nou met Liefde, by die Dam
“Ek en Karen het besef dit is ‘n goeie song toe ons dit geskyf het,” vertel Francois van Coke oor die virale internetsukses van Toe Vind Ek Jou – die liefdesballade wat hy saam met Karen Zoid geskryf en opgeneem het. “Voor die album [Francois van Coke, sy selfgetitelde solodebuut] uit was Continue Reading
Karen Zoid wants to Drown Out The Noise
Yes, I’m old enough to remember a time before Fokofpolisiekar. When the South-African music scene was fine, but certain popular genres were just left untouched in Afrikaans. Until Karen Zoid came around. The press dubbed her “South Africa’s rock chick”, and her rocking take on Afrikaans (with touches of punk Continue Reading