For a relatively small and new band, Ben Dey and the Concrete Lions are very busy. Despite them being men of few words, we managed to squeeze in a quick email interview with them between tours, photo shoots, and music video releases, on the eve of Malkop Summer Rock Festival, where they Continue Reading
Malkop Summer Rock Festival
Slow Jack at Malkop Summer Rock Festival
Malkop Summer Rock Festival is around the corner, and are playing host to a bunch of legendary artists, like Francois van Coke, Koos Kombuis, Mr Cat & The Jackal, and many more. You’d think that being included in a line-up that reads like the who’s who of local live music Continue Reading
TICKET GIVEAWAY: Malkop Summer Rock Festival
Malkop Summer Rock Festival 2016 promises to be one for the books! From 2 – 4 December, the second annual Malkop Summer Rock Festival will take place on Malkopopen Farm in Lamberts Bay close to Cape Town. This year, they’ll have more than 20 bands performing, including legends such as Francois Continue Reading