“Made with Honour” – A chat with Citizen Beer

Citizen Beer focuses on delicious, easily drinkable styles, simultaneously educating the drinker and thrilling their taste buds. The brewery started as a hobby in Hout Bay in 2009, but officially launched as ‘Citizen’ in 2012. The four beers they offer are the Patriot light lager, Alliance amber ale, Saboteur English IPA, and Diplomat Czech Continue Reading

Jack Black Brewing Company at Capital Craft Beer Festival 2016

Jack Black Brewing Company is one of the most prominent craft beer brands around in South Africa today. Despite being available practically everywhere, including stalls at events like Park Acoustics, they’ll still be visiting Capital Craft Beer Festival 2016, where you can try them out for yourself (as if you Continue Reading

In Studio Recording Diary: ISO – Polydimension

ISO is back. After a break of several months, and a new drummer having joined the team, the band formerly known as Isochronous recently recorded a new album titled Polydimension, due to be released later in 2016. In March and April this year, the band visited Open Room Studios in Johannesburg and Sleeproom Studios Continue Reading

Francois van Coke – nou met Liefde, by die Dam

“Ek en Karen het besef dit is ‘n goeie song toe ons dit geskyf het,” vertel Francois van Coke oor die virale internetsukses van Toe Vind Ek Jou – die liefdesballade wat hy saam met Karen Zoid geskryf en opgeneem het. “Voor die album [Francois van Coke, sy selfgetitelde solodebuut] uit was Continue Reading

Let Go: Bad Peter on escape, a busy music career, and not being a political band

Everybody might not have seen Bad Peter live, but the ones who have describe the band’s spirited performance as lively, compelling, and… well… damn good. They’re one of the busiest bands in the country at the moment, and recently, after signing with David Gresham Records, released their first EP, Let Go. For a five-track EP, Continue Reading

Capital Craft Beer Festival 2016 – Win Tickets!

The Capital Craft Beer Festival is a well-established annual highlight on Pretoria’s craft beer and live music calendar. And after last year’s great festival (but entrance & queueing problems), they’ve decided to break tradition this year, and move the event to the Pretoria National Botanical Garden. The Capital Craft Beer Festival 2016 Continue Reading

Wolfgang Marrow dishes out some Bad Advice

There’s something about Wolfgang Marrow that always makes me think of the live music/club scene in Black Snake Moan. And I don’t know why, but I think it’s something more than the Southern swampy Blues music they’ve got in common. Yes, the movie might be seen as an exploitative look Continue Reading

The Wake Up: Albert Frost talks about turning over a new leaf

Albert Frost woke up. For such a prolific performer, his new album, The Wake Up, comes a surprising seven years after his last solo release, Devils and Gods. And for someone who’s spent 21 years as one of the Blues Broers before quitting the band last year, The Wake Up isn’t quite as bluesy as one might Continue Reading

DJ Billy Killer van de Sandton – From BMX to Xai Xai

DJ Billy Killer van de Sandton is the only person I know of whose journey into music started with BMXing. “I started racing BMX and then turned to freestyle BMX. I met some really cool dudes like Brad and Greg Illingworth and after a good riding session they used to take Continue Reading

Die kind is nog jonger: 36 liefdesbriewe aan Ingrid Jonker

Het jy al Ingrid Jonker se gedigte gelees en gewens jou gunsteling alternatiewe band wil dit toonset? Het jy al na Chris Chameleon se bekende Ingrid Jonker-albums geluister en gewonder hoekom meer mense dit nie doen nie? Dan is dit hoogtyd vir Die kind is nog jonger – ‘n dubbel CD met Continue Reading